Sunday, August 19, 2018

That's a Wrap!

 You may have noticed that we haven't posted any new content in months.  Well, we've been busy --with school, summer camp, sailing, swimming, and life.  But we thought we owed it to our fans to provide a proper final (probably) post.

 These are just a few photos of me showing off my abs at the beach this summer. 

Don't be jealous!

 If you send me a note, I might share my workout tips with you.

We spent a little time in Nantucket during our summer break.

 We explored some conservation land we were unfamiliar with on the island.

Grace did some old-timey work at the Old Mill.

I performed some yoga poses after rowing to an uncharted beach.

We made a couple of trips to our favorite candy store, in the back room at Force 5 Watersports.  If you ever have the chance, don't miss it.

 And we visited with Grampy and Cousin Julia.  (I was really tired of posing for family photos.)

 And just like that, we were back in school for another year! 
Feel free to check back here to remember what we used to look like, but don't expect any fresh content.  I mean, it's possible we'll post something from time to time, but don't count on it.  Thanks for viewing.  Bye!

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Aloha! (Spring Break)

Horton and I spent our spring break on the Big Island of Hawaii.

I spent some time walking the shoreline, looking for tidal pools, where I might find some minnows to catch, and taking breaks just to soak up the beauty of it all.

I visited Volcanoes National Park.

 Oh yeah, Bampa and Grace came, too.  Bamma was camera-shy.

I walked through a lava tube, which was pretty wet inside, contrary to how I thought it would be.  (The red stuff is reflected lighting not hot lava, unfortunately.)

 We hung out by the beach and pool much of the time.

Grace hiked into the Waipi'o Valley.

And she wrote messages to the gods in the black sand.

I went on a grueling hike in search of petroglyphs.

 I scanned the tidal pools for sea turtles and more minnows.

The rest of my crew did a bit of snorkeling.

And Aunt B. buried me in the sand.  I can't wait to go back!

Sunday, March 11, 2018

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Girl

 Grace's artwork was included in an exhibition at Loyola Marymount University over the last month.

 She and her classmates worked on their own versions of works by the artist Jacob Lawrence, from his Migration Series.

 This is Grace's piece.

For the artists' reception she dressed like the creative force that she is.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Shredders Shredding!

The paparazzi scouting Mammoth caught me in my first ski lesson ever.

I was forced to learn quickly and show off my mad skills for the cameras.

 Meanwhile, Grace graduated to the chairlift in the afternoon.

 She and her pal Zoe mastered getting off the lift.

 Well, Zoe got it down.

 Grace, not so much.  But at least she fell down laughing.

She bombed down the mountain after her second day of lessons.

And she skied until they shut the lifts down for the day.

As for me, apres-ski time meant a little hot-tubbing with my girlfriend.  What a trip!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

To the Mountains

 Last week, I headed up to Mammoth Mountain for a little end-of-winter-break skiing.

There wasn't that much snow, as you can see, so I spent some time exploring a nearby golf course.

I thought I might find some treasure out here, so I looked really hard for the X that marks the spot.

 I crawled through these bushes but found nothing but a lost golf ball.

My friends and I made the best of it.  And we did get in some skiing, which I'll tell you about in my next post.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Bring on the New Year!

 What better way to open a new year than to play non-stop with a new set of Legos?!

 This giant tried to take over the police station while I wasn't looking.

But I quickly rid the area of her evil ways and set about protecting the citizens of Lego City. 
Have a happy and safe New Year!