Monday, December 31, 2012

Tricks Are for Kids

In 2012, people tried to pull a lot of fast ones on me. One of the most popular was to try to get me to take a mid-day nap by pushing me around the neighborhood in my stroller until the gentle movement lulled me to sleep.  It was child's play, really.  After a while, I would start babbling as if delirious from exhaustion.  Then, just when my handler least suspected, I would climb out the back, ready to continue my day.  Hah!  Just because I'm only three years old doesn't mean I'm an idiot. Good luck to you all in 2013!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas and Goodnight!

 Ben and I just hopped on the computer to say goodnight after a long and fruitful day.  We hope you all received everything you asked for, like a robot, and a doggie, and a kitty, and a doll.

 I have no idea what's happening.

Don't forget to sneak that last piece of candy before heading off to bed -- even if you've already brushed your teeth. 

Let's do this again next year!

Monday, December 24, 2012

A Gentleman Caller

 An old friend came to visit on Saturday evening.  It was great to see Harry again, after such a long time, and we carried on like best buddies.

 I think he was taken with my charm and sly wit, if not my unrefined style.

And I can't deny that I may have feelings for him, too!

Friday, December 21, 2012

The Social Networker

 It's the holidays, so I've been making the rounds.  You know, partying with my friends.

 Here I am with my good pal Sloane.

 Sloane is hilarious.  She had me rolling on the floor laughing.

 I think she digs me.  I'm not sure, though; she's kind of subtle.

 It turns out the ladies can't keep their hands off of me.  Ooh, behave, Zoey.

But sometimes I just like to wind down at home in my jams.  Like Hef.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Swim, Gracie, Swim

 I had a substitute swim teacher this week.  He was a real task-master.

 He pushed me to do things I'd never done before, and I made a lot of progress, as you can see.

 But we had fun, too.

Here's a cute photo of Ben, so you know that the blog isn't just about me.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Santa Monica-Venice Christmas Run

 Ben and I ran in our first race on Saturday.  It was a real grind.  (I have no idea what these Petco "pets" had to do with the race, but I found them entertaining.)

 Aunt Kate came along, too.  Here we're all doing our pre-race stretching.

 I did some hydrating while I stretched.

 Ben just stretched.

 Santa showed up, of course.  He waved the runners across the finish line.  Mrs. Claus wasn't there.  She was probably back at the North Pole doing all of the real work that needs to be done in the weeks before Christmas while Santa makes his myriad personal appearances.  Seriously?

Mom and Aunt Kate had to hold me back at the finish; I was running such a blistering pace.  I can't wait for my next race.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Certain Jolly Fellow and His Wife

 Christmas must be upon us, because all of a sudden I've been seeing Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus everywhere I turn.  The other evening, as we drove home from school, they passed us in their sleigh, waving as they went and accompanied by a police escort.  They must have been headed somewhere important.  Then, last evening, I ran into them again and had the chance to tell them what I want for Christmas.  But I'm not telling you.

And what a surprise, I also ran into my old friend Billie! We've both grown so much since we last saw each other, but it was just like old times, only we're both about a foot taller than we were back then.  She still has such great style. Don't be a stranger, Billie! 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

That Happiest Place

 A dream come true.  Seriously.  I can't believe this happened to me today.

This is also a dream come true. 
I just love to read a good book -- even when I'm visiting Disneyland.  I enjoy studying up on all the stories that make this place so magical.  It also helps me to understand the rides, which can seem a little obtuse if you don't know the background.  (Mr. Toad, I'm looking at you.)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Candy Girl

 Under the watchful eye of my little brother, I was pretty particular about the eating of my Halloween haul.

 I rationed it out over several weeks.  I ate two pieces a day, only after dinner.  The weird thing is, my math must have been off, because it all seemed to disappear faster than I'd calculated.  Before I knew what had happened, it was all gone, even the chewy ones that I didn't even like.

Hey! Is it possible that someone else was eating my candy, too?! No fair!  I worked hard for that candy!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Milk Pig

Two words describe Ben best.

He's a milk pig.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

 Yesterday morning, I found my brother, Ben, in a pile of fresh laundry.  How he got there, I have no idea, but he seemed pretty pleased with himself.

 Then it was off to Bamma and Bampa's house for a big turkey dinner. Delicious!

 Ben ate a lot, so he had to have his diaper changed a lot.

This may actually be his best look -- on the changing pad.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

In Your Face ... with MY FACE!

 So, Grace, I'm getting better at this photo stuff.  Look at me.  You can't beat this smile.

How's this one? Cute enough for you?

 And as far as lifting my head during tummy-time, I'm months ahead of where you were at my age, Grace.  Take that!

Here's one more to show you I can also do "serious."

Saturday, November 17, 2012


 I put this shirt on only after the game, when UCLA had already beaten USC -- for the first time in a while.  I can't pick sides in this one.
My dad was happy.

But my mom was bummed.  Oh, why couldn't USC have won, too?!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Picture This

 Ben is a newbie when it comes to being photographed.  It's something he's going to have to work on.  He could take a few tips from me.  My expert jazz hands and natural smile make this picture pop.

 Here, Ben just hangs there.  There's no movement.

In this one, I painted on a subtle little beauty mark, and you can't look away.  It's almost too easy.

While Ben is clearly cute, he just hasn't developed a relationship with the camera yet. 

It's not that difficult.  I'm sure he'll work it out soon enough.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Ben takes a milk break to make this public service announcement.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


 Happy Halloween!  I did a bunch of trick-or-treating throughout the day.  I went as a tiger princess -- that's a tiger with a tiara and a wand. 

It got a bit warm inside my costume, so I took off the hood after a while.

 I did pretty well for myself.

 Ben came along, too, as Winnie-the-Pooh.

I don't think his heart was in it, though.  He fell asleep before getting any candy.  I gave him a piece of mine so he wouldn't look too pathetic.