Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

This afternoon I got dressed up as a scary dragon. A full-on, head-to-diaper dragon.

I hit the streets, trolling for treats. The costume was a bit cumbersome, and maybe I wasn't the most cooperative kid on the block. But I got the job done.

The stores in my neighborhood were all giving away candy, so the sidewalks were crowded with all sorts of pirates, witches, and characters from the Toy Story movies.

Stop staring at my legs!

After a while, I was allowed to take a rest. But, in spite of what it looks like, I did not get to eat any of my candy. Rats!

Finally, I want to take this opportunity to tell my good pal Laura that I'm going to miss her, and I hope she comes back real soon. I like you, Kid.

Sausages and Pigskin!

Uncle Kelle said all the hip kids these days are eating sausages in downtown LA. We stopped in for some brats on our way to the USC football game.

I had a sippy cup of water and some Belgian fries,
which apparently went straight to my chin.

I will blame Uncle Kelle if I can't fit into my onesies tomorrow.

When we got to USC, we ran into some superfans - my Montana girls! Here I am with Dad, Ursula, and the smallest USC cheerleaders, Emma and Leela, visiting from the Big Sky state.

Aunt Bearbs and I were ready for the game! (My shirt says "Start 'em young, Raise 'em right" - Dad just rolled his eyes. Mom cheered.)
USC looked great! Until they didn't. Then they lost. Mom was sad.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Your Vote Matters

Just a little PSA from me: Don't forget to vote on Tuesday. You may decide one day that you would like to run for governor of California (or some other state); if you didn't cast a vote for, say, the past twenty years, it will look bad and you will take a lot of heat for it. You will never come up with a good explanation for your voting lapse. So vote!

Don't be afraid of progress. And don't vote based on fear. The people who use fear as a campaign strategy don't have any good ideas. I'm getting off of my soapbox now.

Speaking of voting, I've tried a few new looks with my hair and would like to take a poll. This is look number one.

And this is look number two. Cast your vote now. Let me know what you think.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

An International Dining Experience

I had a very full weekend - I climbed off the couch at Grandma and Grandpa's (no photographic evidence), saw Fuffy and G.Gr. Jim for a brief but fulfilling visit, and partied with Kates.

Another highlight? Ethiopian food!

Huh? I don't know where I'm supposed to ....


This is my old pal Shea. Shea and I like to get close. You know, really check each other out.

Dad, Mom, and Heather (Shea's mom) were trying to get me to smile, but I was still annoyed that the only Ethiopian food I was allowed to eat was injera, the spongy bread. I was told that everything else was "too spicy for a baby." Whatever.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Wild and Crazy

So, Mom stepped out for a little while this afternoon. And what did I do?

I went a little bit crazy!

I had the run of the place. I crawled everywhere. And I climbed on stuff.

I climbed up high ... with toys in my mouth, which is apparently a big no-no.

But I made it back down. No worries.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Progress

Many of you have been asking about my milestones. Am I walking? How many teeth do I have? Those sorts of things. So I thought I'd show you.

Ta-dah! I'm considering dressing up as a vampire for Halloween. I've got the teeth for it, and I hear vampires are very popular in the culture right now.

Here I am standing. I walk around, but I have to have something to hold on to. It looks like I've got the legs for walking, but they're a little wobbly yet. Give me a little more time.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Saturdays Were Made for College Football!

I headed over to Pasadena and the Rose Bowl today to attend my first college football game, UCLA vs. Washington State.

We arrived a little early, so I spent some time on the swings, which I highly recommend. They are awesome!

Here I am with Milk Lady's Husband outside the Rose Bowl. [Can I be honest with you? Milk Lady's Husband is my dad. I've known it since Day One, but I called him Milk Lady's Husband 'cause I thought it was funny and a little demeaning.]

I cheered for the right team at the right time and they won, 42-28! It was close for most of the game, and I was not at all confident that UCLA would win, but they pulled away at the end. Thank goodness. Dad would have been upset if his team lost the first time I saw them play. Here I am with Milk Lady, who is, wait for it .... my mom! Yeah, I knew that, too.

During the game, I hung out with the sweet ladies who were seated in front of us.

And this nice gentleman entertained me with silly faces, which I thought were hilarious!