Saturday, February 27, 2010

Conversations With Beaded Animals

I was shopping at Anthro the other day, and I ran into this beaded animal:

The End.

G. Gr. Week Continues

Great Grandma Crary is funny. I had Milk Lady bring me by yesterday for some quality time.

We had fun hanging out, and then we went to Bob's Big Boy for lunch. Milk Lady noticed a certain resemblance:

If this is what I'm modeling my hairstyle on, it might be time for me to consider product.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Out for Breakfast!

I've been trying to hang out with all of my G. Gr's this month. My people have put the word out that I'm ready to party (Great Grandma Crary! Call me! G. Gr. Jim - see you at Easter!). So yesterday I met up with some of my peeps:

At the table with Fuffy.

Outside the Good Neighbor with Great Grandpa Stan, Grandma Diane, and Fuffy.

Working It Out!

I know I mentioned my wrist rolls the other day, and I'm still stuck on them. It's not that they don't look great -- they do! -- but that the Milk Lady is constantly threatening to "eat them; they're so cute." So I feel that the rolls might be putting me in harm's way. I think the hike was a good start, but what I really need to focus on is my core:
Very challenging, but I think the work is paying off:

Don't you agree?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Take A Hike

I woke up Sunday morning, and my wrist rolls were out of control. I needed some exercise. A hike seemed like a great idea.

I was ready, and my friend Liz was REALLY ready. I mean, what is she doing?

Hiking is hard. I was getting a little tired of the whole thing when we got to the trailhead.

And I'm out.

I'm back! Wanted to see the waterfall. It was pretty cool, not that you would know it from any of the pictures these fools took.

Post-hike brunch and snuggle; Auntie Kate met us at Le Grande Orange. Meg Ryan was there, too, but I didn't feel like dealing with celebrity after my big hike. You know how it is.

A Nice Little Saturday

My handlers and I were pretty busy this weekend. First stop: Bank of America.

Takin' care of business, movin' money around, making THINGS HAPPEN. That's how I roll. Well, I guess technically I roll in a BOB Revolution, but work with me here.

Stop two: the Santa Monica Farmer's Market. All this rolling around is exhausting; maybe I'll just close my eyes for a minute. They don't have anything I want here (MILK! GLORIOUS MILK!) anyway.

Heading home. I thought I would just take a moment to really think about the important things in life (MILK! GLORIOUS MILK!). Ok, I'm done. Roll me on home.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Vacation, All I Ever Wanted

Vacation, had to get away! Man, The Go Go's really said it best. I needed that vacation. I can't believe I'm back to the grind. It's like, sometimes I just need a break from it all, you know? I'm going to pretend for a moment that I'm still back in snowy New Hampshire . . .

Ahhh, snuggling with Farmor. Eating both hands at once. Does it get better than this?

Snack time with Grammy! Man, I could go for a bottle of the good stuff right now.

Chatting with Grampy about my possible bid for a spot on the U.S. Olympic Curling Team in 2028. At this point I'm seriously considering it, but only if Pink Stuffed Elephant is going to train with me.

I even miss being stranded at the Detroit Metro Airport! My first shuttle ride - exhausting, but fun.

And I really enjoyed the Sheraton Four Points in Detroit. Hotels are awesome! I got to stay in the big people's bed. And I was the only one who had a change of clothes - hilarious! My handlers had to wear the same outfits for two days! Hahahahaha!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

I'm Baaack!

Sorry to leave you hangin', peeps. I've been traveling the last couple of days, making my way back from New Hampshire. This is me and the Milk Lady at Chicago's O'Hare Airport. I have to say, I'm a pretty good little traveler. I recommend wearing jammies and carrying a generous supply of diapers, so you're prepared when your handlers don't get you to your connecting flight in time and you have to spend the night in Detroit.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Why did the Milk Lady put these things on my hands? It's almost impossible to suck my fingers through them, but I manage.

My day started off great, with a nap on Aunt Cammy's shoulder. I think she likes me.

Later, the Milk Lady and her husband took me in to town to walk around. I suggested we all go ice skating, but they said, "No."

Yum! My fingers are delicious -- especially without hand covers.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day to all of my fans! I love you. And I wouldn't do this blog if I didn't know that all of you were out there hanging on my every word.

I met Farmor for the first time yesterday. Farmor, for those of you non-Swedes, is Milk Lady's husband's mother. She's soft.

This is Farmor's daughter, so that makes her my aunt or something. She already knows how I like to be held. How does she know that? I didn't tell her, and I just met her yesterday.

Nobody told my cousin Haley that I like to grab things. She knows now.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Best Hair Day Yet!

Really, my hair has never looked better.

My punk look.

Grampy and I have similar hair today. His hair curls one way, and mine curls the other.

Before I forget, I have to tell you, we went to this amazing place yesterday. There was this stuff called "candy" everywhere. I'm told it's delicious, but I'm not allowed to touch it. Why?

Lucky for me, you know what else is delicious? My zipper!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Happy Birthday, Grandpa Paul and Sarah Palin!

This is so unfair. So we're in New Hampshire now and certain people are alleging that I cried all night long last night and that I was only satisfied when someone was holding me in an upright position leaning against that someone's body. These people are also alleging that any time they tried to put me back in my crib I started screaming again. How am I supposed to rebut these claims?!? I assert that I was asleep the whole time.
Uncle Scott gets me. We are simpatico, as they say.
OK, maybe, just maybe, we were both VERY tired, because someone would not stop screaming last night. Again, I'm just saying maybe that was the case.

Let's go outside so we can forget about those ridiculous allegations!

Can we go outside already? This jacket makes me sweat.

Can we go back inside? It's cold out here.

CONFIDENTIAL TO GRANDPA PAUL: Happy Birthday!! I miss you, and I can't wait to hang out again. Tell Grandma I said hi, too. Did you know that you and former Governor Palin share a birthday? Funny, right? Love, G.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Going on vacation.

Greetings from the hallway.

You're probably wondering what I'm doing here. Well, we're getting ready to go to New Hampshire, and I can really keep my eye on the preparations from here. I've got my trusted lieutenants with me - Bear and Giraffe.

Here we go. Wish me luck; I'm traveling with a couple of clowns.

Monday, February 8, 2010

My Thoughts on "The Bachelor"

Woe is me! This show is terrible. Guess what, Gia, Jake's not picking you. He met your family. Tenley's "gift" of dance was so embarrassing, I'm giving back my tutu. I hope Jake picks Ali*, because she's so cute. But I also hope Ali rejects Jake, because Jake is such a tool. Why do all the men on this show cry?!? I haven't seen this much crying since I wet myself earlier this evening. I'm just going to say it, hearts are going to be broken. Have the ladies of "The Bachelor" never seen this show before?

Gotta go. Jake is now in Florida visiting Crazy-pants Vienna and her family, and the show just got much much worse.

*And if you watched until at least 9:30 pm, you must know I TAKE THAT BACK.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Last-Chance Workout!

I hate tummy time. I really do.

What's that on my lip? Yuck. This mat seems dirty.

To the left, to the left. Everything you own in a box to the left.

Someone made me look to my right, but there was nothing there. Nothing at all.

That was truly exhausting. Please don't make me do it again.