Sunday, September 26, 2010

Street Fair Fun

This afternoon, I hung out with my friend Zach at the Abbot Kinney Festival. He teases me, but it's all in good fun.

He treats me right and makes me laugh. What more can a girl ask for?

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I Know It When I See It

It was a little warm today, as if summer had finally arrived, even though it is now, once again, fall.

I decided to get some air and headed over to see what was happening with GLOW, a bi-annual cultural event, featuring outdoor art installations and music for one night only. Pooh and I got there early, but it was already kind of crowded.

Bravo, I say, although I don't think I really understood what some of the artists were trying to tell us.

At least it was cool outside. GLOW runs until 3:00 a.m., so if you're still awake, go check it out.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Here's to Year One!

Wow! Has it been a whole year already?!?

So, yesterday I turned one year old. I can hardly believe it. Where did the time go? Anyway, I just want to thank everyone who's supported me in my endeavors so far. I couldn't have done any of this without you.

And I look forward to spending more time with you and doing even more fantastic stuff in the future. I know that together we can achieve great things.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Birthday Cake. Yeah.

So, apparently, "grownups" get a real kick out of watching a baby plow her way through a messy piece of cake on her first birthday. It's considered "hilarious" by adults for reasons that are beyond me.

I'll admit I was intrigued at first. But I'm sure you knew I would be. That's why you put it in front of me, right?

It would have been nice if someone had provided me with a fork. Everyone else had forks.

We don't know what we're doing. You deprive us of delicious sugar for the first 365 days of our life, and then on the 366th day (give or take) you plop a giant piece of cake with chocolate frosting in front of us and let us go. You people are sick!

Anyway, I shared some with Auntie Bearbins.

And Cousin Jenna tried to save some of my dignity. (Thanks, Jenna.)

But it was too late. Much too late.
By the way, the cake was delicious. Thanks, Milk Lady!

Then I had the traditional outdoor, post-birthday cake bath.

All clean, I made a costume change and partied some more with Auntie Bearbins. Here's to you, kid!

And passed out. End of story. I hope you all had your little fun at my expense.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Family Fun Times!

I am turning one in a couple of days, so some of my people decided to get together and watch me eat cake (more on that in another post).
Grandma and I relaxed on the patio. Apparently Milk Lady took no pictures of me with Grandpa, so I'll have to make up for that when I go down to visit this week.

Snuggling with Fuffy.

Laughing with Gramma C!

Kickin' it with Aunt Marie. Aunt Colleen had to hit the road before the photo ops, but we had an awesome time hanging out.

Aunt Nancy helped me roll my new lawn mower around.

Grandpa and I drove back to LA together! I may have fallen asleep before getting into the car.

Grandpa Jim admired my yellow bangle, and I his paisley shirt.

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Long Day Staring at the Computer

Hey fans! What's up?

Sometimes it feels like I spend my whole day staring at the computer screen.

And then I take one minute to check a favorite blog (!!) and everyone is like, get back to work!


Back to the grind.

You know how it is.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

More Bowl Photos

Here's proof that I actually made it inside the Hollywood Bowl last weekend. These photos were taken by my good friend Laura.

I'm not in this one. I just think it's a cool photo.

How is it that I fell asleep during "Fantasy" and missed the fireworks?!? I've got to do better.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Dancing in September

Last night, I attended my first Hollywood Bowl concert. I took my entourage to see this fresh new act, Earth Wind & Fire. They played with the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra. There were fireworks. It was fantastic. I think these kids could be big!

I love the Hollywood Bowl.