Thursday, January 11, 2018

Shredders Shredding!

The paparazzi scouting Mammoth caught me in my first ski lesson ever.

I was forced to learn quickly and show off my mad skills for the cameras.

 Meanwhile, Grace graduated to the chairlift in the afternoon.

 She and her pal Zoe mastered getting off the lift.

 Well, Zoe got it down.

 Grace, not so much.  But at least she fell down laughing.

She bombed down the mountain after her second day of lessons.

And she skied until they shut the lifts down for the day.

As for me, apres-ski time meant a little hot-tubbing with my girlfriend.  What a trip!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

To the Mountains

 Last week, I headed up to Mammoth Mountain for a little end-of-winter-break skiing.

There wasn't that much snow, as you can see, so I spent some time exploring a nearby golf course.

I thought I might find some treasure out here, so I looked really hard for the X that marks the spot.

 I crawled through these bushes but found nothing but a lost golf ball.

My friends and I made the best of it.  And we did get in some skiing, which I'll tell you about in my next post.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Bring on the New Year!

 What better way to open a new year than to play non-stop with a new set of Legos?!

 This giant tried to take over the police station while I wasn't looking.

But I quickly rid the area of her evil ways and set about protecting the citizens of Lego City. 
Have a happy and safe New Year!