Sunday, November 26, 2017

Thanksgiving in Florida

 I jetted to Florida for the holiday break.  I started in Miami, where I spent most of my waking hours in the pool ... 

... and the hot tub.

 Our next stop was up the coast a bit to visit with my Great Aunt Lil, Cousin Pam, and her dog, Tobey.  As usual, I refused to cooperate with the photographer.  I didn't come here to have my picture taken.

 Then we drove across the state to the west coast for a visit with Farmor and Dave.  It rained a bit, so I took advantage of some iPad time on Farmor's couch.

 I also snuck behind her chair to give her a scare, but she figured out where I was before I got the chance to pop out.

Our Thanksgiving meal was shared with Farmor, Dave, and my sister, Grace, for whom I am very grateful, of course.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Halloween Wrap-Up

In the weeks leading up to the big day, I insisted on being an apple for Halloween.  I would take no other suggestions.  I was going to be an apple or nothing.  When the day finally arrived, I changed my mind.  So, for the school parade, I was ... an apple.  Don't I look super stoked about it?  (Thanks for making my costume, Mom!)

 Grace dressed as the suffragette Mrs. Banks, from Mary Poppins.

Later, for trick-or-treating, she met up with Mary Poppins, played by her good friend Zoe, and the two of them took the neighborhood by storm, collecting as much candy as they could, which, if one were to count, would be 72 and 75 pieces, respectively.

 As for me, I changed into my trusty old fireman's outfit for the evening.  That's me, heading out the door, while everyone else was just standing around.  There was candy to be had out there!