Sunday, January 22, 2012


Good news, friends! I pooped in the potty chair yesterday. Of course, I later peed in my pants, but no matter.

I convinced my team that it wasn't in my best interest to post a series of photos of me on the toilet. Instead, I decided to go with some pictures of me on my bike.

Much cuter, don't you think?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Little Bit Bonkers

I had a touch of the crazies this morning. It may have had something to do with today's Patriots-Broncos game. (Go, Pats!)

I donned an old hat and Mommy's running shoes, and I attempted to feed Kermit some imaginary yogurt.

It happens.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Reading Is Fundamental

Although I don't believe it's anyone else's business, I am going through potty training right now. I'm aware that it's not going that great, because I've overheard people say that I keep having "accidents." Whatever.
At least I have my books.

I'm currently enjoying Harry the Dirty Dog, Knuffle Bunny Too, Where the Wild Things Are, Winnie-the-Pooh, and this one, which teaches me words via different categories with pictures.
Let me know what you're reading and if you have any recommendations.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Look out, fashionistas. Gracie has arrived!

To state the obvious, I do have style. Left to my own devices this evening before bed, I rummaged through my dresser to see if I could put together something to wear for my return to school tomorrow.
I threw a vent-back cow T-shirt -- backwards -- over a favorite pair of jammies and squeezed into a pair of too-small Crocs -- on the wrong feet.

A super-soft hat and a jumper worn as a scarf finished the look. Perfect.

For a more sophisticated evening look, I can lose the hat and add a toothbrush. I think I'm ready for a cocktail and an internship at Vogue.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome to 2012!

This is how I like to start the year: a bike ride to the beach, with someone else doing the pedaling. (Thanks, Pop!)