Saturday, November 21, 2015

Game On!

 Grace had her final soccer match of the season, and everyone came to play!  Let me tell you how it went.

 The Purple Rainbow Cobras started with some pre-game stretching and drills.

Grace put on her super-scary game face, which, I have to admit, is not her best look.  

At halftime, the Cobras rehydrated with some sweet, sweet watermelon.

 I worked up a mighty thirst just watching the girls play.

By the second half, the Cobras were in synch and dominated the game.  It was a great way to finish the season.

One final team cheer: "Purple Rainbow Cobras!!!"

After the game, the Cobras celebrated together and took some team pictures.

Party on, Cobras!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Candy, Candy, Candy, I Can't Let You Go

 Halloween is a pretty big deal at Grace's school.  On Friday, the entire staff and student body paraded around the yard in full costume.  This fawn was spotted under a playground tree, having wandered away from her classmates.

Grace's teacher, who dressed up as El Nino, won for best costume among the teachers.

 On Saturday, the big day, Grace and I headed over to our friend Zoe's neighborhood for some good old trick-or-treating. Supergirl made an appearance, too.

 I scared the pants off of my good friend Egan, who had no idea I'd be out and about in his 'hood.

 Meanwhile, Grace declared that nothing was scary.  Nothing!

 But I thought my German-tourist chaperone was pretty terrifying.

 Back at Zoe's house, Grace coveted just about every piece of candy she received -- especially this one really adult-sized chocolate bar.

 While I was just happy to be allowed to suck a lollipop before bedtime.