Sunday, July 26, 2015

Good Times

 At Jetties Beach, I discovered the pure joy of being buried in the sand and digging my way out -- over and over again.

 In Madaket, Uncle Charlie and I contemplated the serenity of Hither Creek.

 The Whaling Museum kids' room offered up some hilarity with Grace dressed up as an old-timey lady in high tops.

 A week at Topside got me excited.

 But I calmed down enough to watch some TV with Grace.

 Grace took in the view from the deck, pretending to be a grownup. 

 And one day we conned Grampy into inviting us to lunch at the Anglers' Club.

 Yes, we're good.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Little Surfer Girl

 We're back from Nantucket now, but we still have a lot of photos to share.

 Grace spent some time in the waves at Cisco with her Boogie board.

 She waited for the perfect wave.

 She could not be stopped.

 She may have closed her eyes in anticipation of a wipeout.

 But she rode all the way to shore.

 Then she was ready for the next one, with an assist from Dad.


 "Let's do it again! And again!! And again!!!"

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Keeping Fit on Vacation

Even when I'm on vacation, I like to keep to my fitness regimen.

I lift weights every chance I get. These abs don't just happen.

Grace tends to slack off.  She's into the more serene activities, like searching for minnows and hermit crabs.

And eating Doritos with her cousins.

Occasionally, she'll catch a few waves with her Boogie board.

And, since I can't be working out 24/7, I will turn to the finer arts now and again.