Monday, June 29, 2015

My Latest Greatest Day Ever

Today, I got to ride in one of those amazing bucket trucks, in the bucket part!

These photos don't do justice to how fantastic this ride was, but check out the joy on my face.

Mom thought it was pretty cool, too.

We went as high as the length of both booms extended. We could see the ocean!

I wish I could have stayed up there all day.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


                                                             Photos courtesy of Whatever Little Pony
These photos are from a couple of months ago, but they're still worth posting, obviously.

Have you ever seen a more impressive cowboy?  Clearly, the answer is no.

I'm the rootinest, tootinest rider west of the Mississippi!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

School's Out for Summer!

 We did it!  We made it through a year of elementary school -- for me that meant transitional kindergarten.

 I even received an award for being able to "read with expression and enthusiasm!"  (Of course, I can.)

Time to make some trouble.

Peace out! Until August.