Saturday, November 22, 2014

Bending It Like Beckham

 AYSO trading cards are out!  This one is extremely rare.

 I really psyched myself up for today's game, the last of the season.

 We took on the Pink Cheetahs in our final game.

 I handled the ball pretty well, but it was a low-scoring game.

 Here, the Green Elsas take control.

 Yum, donuts -- our reward for a game well-played.

 Ben attended the game, but he busied himself by climbing on top of his stroller and pretending to nap.

 Raise your trophies high!  Green Elsas rule!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Seasons Change

 Fall finally arrived over the weekend, along with the first significant rain in many months.  On Saturday, under a clear blue sky, I put on a sweater and tights and headed over to one of my favorite parks.

 I practically had the place to myself.

 I ran, climbed, spun, and surfed.

 And I posed for a few pictures, of course.

I could get used to this weather, but I hear summer's coming back this week.