Monday, February 21, 2011

I Got You!

I hung out with Granny C this weekend, and we played a favorite game of mine . . .
I got you!

See, I run around like a crazybuns, and everyone tries to grab me.

But I am fast, y'all. Cameras couldn't capture me, due to my blinding speed.

When someone touches me, they say, "I got you!" I had so much fun being gotten, that I even started saying it!

Then I jumped on Granny's piano and banged out a little tune.

It was pretty avant garde, experimental jazz. I'm not sure everyone "gets" it.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Go Bruins!

My dad and I headed over to UCLA today for the women's basketball game against Stanford at Pauley Pavilion. It was a special Dads and Daughters promotion.

I don't know what "the Sixties" are, but I'm told this photo of me may evoke certain stereotypes about them.

The game was a squeaker during the first half, which ended with the teams tied. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.

But, in the second half, Stanford (ranked third in the nation) pulled away from UCLA (ranked ninth), and I kind of lost focus. I couldn't even pay attention to the cheerleaders, who kept trying to get me to do an eight-clap.

After the game, I checked out Bruin Walk. I like bears. Go Bruins!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

California Girl

Last weekend, the weather was amazing here in SoCal, so I headed to the beach with my good pal Zoe and our entourage to catch some rays and maybe some waves.

photo courtesy of Zoe
Here I'm testing out my balance on Lisa's surfboard. I think I'm goofy foot.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

When No One Was Looking ...

I came across a bowl of chips and guacamole next to my Winnie-the-Pooh puzzle.

I figured the chips were there to dip, and so I dipped. Yum!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

I just want to give a little shout out to all of my valentines. I love you!

This is me in my new coat from Aunt Lisa. Thanks, Lisa. I love it.

I also love balloons!

Anyway, I had a fantastic day. I got a bunch of valentines from my pals at school. And a balloon. And a cupcake! I hope you got some valentines, too.

Did I mention that I love balloons?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I Can't Get Enough of the Park

I had a visit from my out-of-town pals, Abby and Cole, so we headed over to the park for some recreation. Here I am on a seahorse bouncy thing.

But my new favorite is the conveyor slide. It's bumpy and slow, and I can slide down all by myself.

I prefer to go down backwards, if I'm going solo.

But here, with Abby, I went down facing forward, which takes a little more skill and makes me a bit nervous. Still fun, though.