Wednesday, April 28, 2010

More Visitors

Today, we had a great visit with Grandpa Paul and Great Grandma Crary.

Great Grandma said she was going to eat me. I don't think she was serious. Anyway, she fed me a bottle, so that wouldn't make sense ... unless she was trying to fatten me up.... Hey, wait a minute!

Grandpa Paul also said he was going to eat me. I think he was serious.

With all the talk of eating, I decided to chow down on this little bear. But don't worry, nobody actually ate me. And even the little bear eventually got to live another day. I like my bears alive.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Rainy Days and Mondays ....

I was having a terrible day ...

... until the nice lady at the Hallmark store gave me this red balloon.

I played with it every chance I got.

And my bad mood went away.

Friday, April 23, 2010

No Fair!

Hey, handlers! I don't take photos of you while you're sleeping! And guess what? You snore. You want to know why I wake up every couple of hours during the night? There's your answer! Deal with it.

I'm a mouth-breather. So what?!? Just because I need help posting my photos, that doesn't mean others should be allowed to post whatever they want. I did not approve this photo. Does anyone know a good lawyer? (I don't. Believe me.)

OK, this photo, I picked. What can I say? I'm beautiful!

I gave an impromptu piano recital this afternoon for Grandma Diane and Great Grandma Fuffy. Dudamel, call me. I'm ready for my solo.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Today, I had my second play-date with Froggy. He may have remembered that I kicked him in the head the last time I visited.
This time he used my face as a backboard. He bounced a ball off my forehead, but I got over it pretty quickly.

Froggy's big sister, Ella, let me share her living-room campsite, even though I pulled her hair a few times just because I could.

And she was very protective of me when Froggy crashed the scene.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Welcome, Zoe!

So, first of all, a shout out to my new pal Zoe! Welcome to my world. You're just living in it. (No, I kid.) I can't wait to hang out and teach you stuff.

I took Milk Lady's Husband to Huckleberry today for breakfast. I highly recommend the fried egg sandwich. Delicious! (So I'm told.)

Here I am reading one of my favorite books. It was a present from a couple of my Alaska pals, Jim and Jane. (Jim, we should be at Coachella this weekend!) The book has a whale in it.

Wow, I love this book.

I could stay up for 24 more hours. Trust me. I'm not tired. At all. Where's my book? How did I end up in my crib? Please let me out.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Lazy Wednesday

After a morning stroll to the Farmers Market for some vegetables I don't even eat yet, we had a visit from Grandpa Paul.

I showed him my new trick a few times -- you know, rolling over. The guy was so excited, he acted like I'd invented the wheel. Then he read me a book and gave me a ride on his knee!

Monday, April 12, 2010

More Big News

I rolled over five times today -- on purpose. I did it twice yesterday. This is new to me. I figured out that if someone puts me down on my stomach, which I really dislike, then I just throw my legs to the side and they pretty much take me the rest of the way. Genius!

I also saw the new movie Date Night. Tina Fey and Steve Carell are hilarious. I almost didn't get to see the movie, though, 'cause when we sat down Milk Lady's Husband had me facing away from the screen, even though the only reason he got to go to the movie at all was because of me. Well, I "had words" with him and before I knew what was happening I was facing the screen.

After the movie, we stopped by the dancing fountains, but I had fallen asleep. Blue Dog thought they were cool but no match for the ones at the Bellagio in Vegas. I'll take Blue Dog's word for it -- for now.

And over at the Farmers Market, Milk Lady's Husband had, of all things, a milkshake!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Even though I dislike the Yankees ...

I'm not rabid-crazy. I just like to chew on things.

And when someone tries to get my goat, like Ryan did here ...

I don't go all bananas. And we can still be friends.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Week in Review

Hey, pals! I haven't blogged in a few days, so I thought I'd start you off with a giggle shot.

In case you're wondering what I'm eating these days, it's sweet potato.

Last Sunday was Easter and a lot of being carried around, which I like. Here I'm with Grandma Diane. I'm wearing Ralph Lauren. Thanks for asking.

And here I am with Great Grandpa Stan and Suzanne. I think we take a great photo, even if I am obscuring part of my face with my hand. What?!? I like to suck my thumb.

Later in the week, Blue Dog and I headed down to a local bar to watch the Red Sox lose to the Yankees -- for the second game in a row. It was depressing.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

This One's For You, Ryan Miller

Hey, Ryan, are you ready for this?

HA-HA! Welcome to opening day of Major League Baseball! My boys of the Boston Red Sox meet your lame New York Yankees in the first game of the season, and we are going to CRUSH you.

Hmmm, would I ever cheer for the New York Yankees?

Never! Eat dirt, Yankees! And Happy Easter, everyone!

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Great Outdoors

Blue Dog and I headed down to the Santa Monica Pier this afternoon for some fresh air. Bright sunshine and a cool breeze. We loved it.

We were too little to go on the rides, which was annoying.

But it turned out OK, 'cause we saw dolphins swim by the end of the pier, and I contemplated purchasing a grain of rice with my name painted on it.